Friday, September 20, 2013

Could Breed Specific Legislation Be Wrong... I Think So!

Breed Specific Legislation would have us believe that all pit bulls look like this:

But pit bull owners, you're probably a lot more accustomed to seeing something like this:

Am I right?

1. BSL, or laws banning the ownership of particular dog breeds, maintain that ALL pit bulls are inherently dangerous..

2. ..aggressive...

3. ..and a liability.

4. Does that apply to this guy?

5. Or to Lefty, the brave girl who took a bullet for her owner?

6. How about Jeffrey, the "positively peaceful" therapy pit bull who helped a Sandy Hook student through her roughest times?

7. Then there's this sweet mom, who was so full of love, she adopted six orphaned Shih Tzu puppies.

8. And this guy who was just happy not to be chained up and made to fight other dogs anymore.

9. We're also not convinced that Baby, the 10-year-old pit bull who saved her family and five other dogs from a house fire, falls under the category of "vicious."

10. Nor does Titan, whose owner may have died after falling and breaking her skull if not for him alerting her husband.

11. This beautiful pit bull fended off kidnappers who were trying to steal his family's 3-month-old baby -- if that's what they meant by "hostile."

12. And we know these laws can't be referring to Lily, who risked her own life to pull her unconscious owner from the path of an oncoming train.

13. Clearly these law makers haven't met pit bulls who love kisses.

14. And fuzzy things.

15. We're not saying pit bulls have done no harm... well, except maybe this little one.

16. But that they, like every other breed, are products of the love they do or don't receive.

17. Love them and they'll love you right back.

For a complete listing of known BSL in the U.S., click here.

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