Monday, September 30, 2013

Goodwill Worker Returns Jewelry Worth THOUSANDS!!

When a Goodwill worker found $40,000 worth of Tiffany jewelry in a Burlingame, CA. warehouse this April, she started "jumping for joy."
Then, she returned everything to the rightful owner.
Bonnie Patton discovered the missing items after they were accidentally donated, reported. Sandra Williams had meanwhile been hopelessly searching for her heirloom jewelry, including a 1.75-carat diamond engagement ring.
Williams called the Goodwill Donations department, where Jasmine McCowan filled out a lost donations report for her. McCowan told Williams not to get her hopes up, though, because the 60,000 square-foot warehouse processes more than 25,000 items a day, according to a San Francisco Goodwill blog post.
But only three days later, Patton found the jewelry.
"Williams wanted to give me a reward," Patton told after the jewelry was returned, "but the thank you and the hug was my reward."

“You can never comprehend my gratitude when my items were returned to me,” Williams later wrote to Goodwill. “There really is goodwill at Goodwill.”
In August, another honest Goodwill worker found $10,000 in cash at the Stockton, CA., collection spot. She, too, turned the money in. "My concern was, someone is out of that money," the worker told KXTV. "I'd like for them to get it back."

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