Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hope the Kittens Amazing Story

Hope the kitten is a true survivor. And she definitely deserves her name.

She was found near a dumpster by an 85-year-old woman in suburban Detroit. The woman took in the 7-month-old kitten and tried to nurse her back to health. But when she didn't appear to be getting better after approximately two weeks, the woman took her to Tail Wagger's 1990 in Livonia, Mich.
"We opened up the carrier and stood in complete shock," said Laura Zain, founder of the nonprofit. "It was the worst thing I've ever seen in 25 years of doing this. I've never seen something so sadistic, ever."
Emaciated, feverish, with pale gums and covered with fleas, Hope's worst problem was deep, severe burns on her back, sides and ears.
"She absolutely was set on fire," Zain said.
The veterinarian confirmed that Hope had been tortured and set on fire.
Though Zain feared Hope wouldn't make it, she said she could see from the beginning that this kitten had a lively, even invincible spirit.
"I started petting her head, she immediately started purring and kneading her feet and giving me a sign, like, hey, I'm okay."

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