Sunday, October 20, 2013

Spent Life Savings On Surgery To Look Like Justin Bieber???

If you thought Justin Bieber had problems, wait til you get a load of this Justin Bieber wannabe. A fledgling songwriter blew his entire life savings on surgeries to look like the Canadian heartthrob … and ummm, it didn't work so well.
Toby Sheldon, 33, has spent the past five years and a whopping $100,000 to try to look like the ‘Beauty and a Beat’ singer.
Gawker reports that Sheldon admitted he was scared of aging, which spawned his attempts to resemble Bieber. And some of those were pretty horrifying. Sheldon, who says proudly that strangers call him “Toby Bieber,” underwent multiple plastic surgeries, injections, and hair transplants to get the teen heartthrob’s signature look. But, one procedure was even more insane than the rest.
Sheldon got “smile surgery” to extend the sides of his mouth. You know, like the Joker in ‘The Dark Knight,’ only performed by a doctor. Creepy! Sheldon insists that the surgery was crucial to achieving Bieber’s “youthful look.” “My smile surgery took more than a month to recover from,” Sheldon said. “And, after my eyelid surgery, I couldn't open my eyes for a week.”
No offense, but after seeing his photos, you'll wish your eyes were shut for a week, too. 


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